Monday, September 5, 2011

Blah blah

What a boring day. The rain just keeps coming so I spent the day cleaning the bathroom and than did some light reading. Really not much of a productive day at all.

Not sure I am giving Bianca Kitty a good way of looking at rainy days since she spent it watching Anime and than left to go grocery shopping with a friend. I doubt we will do much tonight either except eat tuna noodle for dinner and than go to bed. Well I will probably stay up and play words with friends because it has become my latest addiction. I so love playing Scrabble.

In fact this is not a very interesting blog post at all. I did not even bake anything today. magic, baking, or interesting poems. Nadda!

So I leave you with this...I am still looking for a digital camera to make my blog more interesting with pics of the things i make and the places I go. If you know of anyone with a digital camera they do not want please send it my way. As mine was taken from me without any fault of my own.

Thanks and Blessings,
The Badbad Kitty

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Well Its been like a year or so

I have not blogged in some time mostly because I no longer have a camera so I felt blogging without pictures was kind of wrong. It’s just not as fun, and who wants to read a blog without a pic or two. Right?

Well tonight after weighing in I realized maybe I should blog a bit about my weight loss.

To begin with I have had a hell of a year even going back to last August. I now live alone except of course for my daughter. My financial life has changed extremely. I have court cases going on in my life due to ex-boyfriend, and to my daughter's biological Father. I lost a few people to the other side (meaning they passed on). I also lost 60 lbs. than gained back ten during a short-lived pregnancy (yes I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage), and than lost 15 lbs. after that. I also am going back to school now, working on a novel, and even co-writing a graphic novel with a very talented friend. Oh and let us not forget I found out I have chronic leukemia.

A lot has happened.

Now I want to start blogging again as well. I am pretty good writer, but blogging eludes me a bit. Since to me its mostly just writing down what is going on in my life. To me its sort of an online diary you’re going to let the world read. To some that is insanity. To me its therapy. I do not mind people knowing who I am and what I am going through. I do mind being judged by those I thought were good people. Guess its better to know than keep thinking you have a good friend.

So back to my weight loss. I only lost 1/2 lb. this week. I feel like I have reached a plateau, and that does not make me happy. I think maybe I just did not exercise enough this week though. I got a little lazy the past couple days. Tomorrow I will make sure to get in my walk and a Wii fitness session.

Sorry I have no photos. If anyone would like to send me a used digital camera I would be happy to pay for shipping. I think I shall post on freecycle I am looking for one. Maybe I will get lucky.

Thanks for reading!