My life as a single Mom can sometimes be tedious and somewhat boring, but
often I end up wishing I had never got bored when some crazy drama filled thing
happens to rock my world. Which of course has recently happened, and I will be
discussing those details in my next post. This however is about my basic every
day life.
5:30am- Wake up, Start getting Bean up, Get out all her little pills fir
Cystic Fibrosis and other things, take my own pills with a tall glass of water,
yell in Bean's room get up NOW!
5:45am Bean is in shower, I make her some breakfast usually a micro waved
Potato or some leftover soup
6:00am- Bean and I both have breakfast mine is usually hot quinoa or some
eggs, she watches some TV and I hang out on Facebook, and start reading blogs
out of my google reader.
6:30am - more Internet for me, Bean gets dressed
7:00am- Bianca is getting ready doing her hair, preparing her school stuff.
I put together her snack for the day.
7:30am- Bianca leaves to catch the bus. I go back to bed for a couple hours
9:30am- Get up do 30 minutes of cardio on Wii or take a walk for an hour.
10:30am- Make phone calls, Clean Littler boxes, Sweep all the floors,
clean bathroom counter, laundry, and other odds and ends.
Noontime- have lunch
1:00pm- Do extra chores I put aside for the day as in Wednesday I dust
all the surfaces, clean microwave, and sometimes mop the living room floor (I
hate mopping).
3:00pm- maybe gets some writing done, and keeps doing laundry
4:30pm- does dishes
5:00pm Prepare dinner
6:00pm- Bean gets home between 5:30pm and 6:00pm so we eat dinner when she
gets home.
7:00pm- Bean does her vest for physical therapy
7:30pm- Maybe watch a movie with Bean or we do some other stuff including
9:00pm- Beans bedtime
After that I write or hang out on Facebook and Pinterest and so forth.
I usually go to bed about Midnight.
This is a typical day not including when I have appointments and such.
Now I clean my microwave the natural way. I use one cup white vinegar, one
cup of water, and two capfuls of vanilla extract in a microwave bowl. I place
it in the microwave and set the time for 5 minutes on high. Than I let it
sit for a couple minutes to let the steam really penetrate the inside if the
microwave. Than carefully take out the bowl. After that I take a damp
cloth and swipe down all the walls in the microwave. I clean the glass plate in
hot soapy water and after it dries put it in the nice clean microwave that
smells pretty neat as well.
This is the life I really prefer its the nice boring one, and I hope someday
to share it with a man who will enjoy the dinners I make and we will massage
each others feet.
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